If you have personal memories of Northeast Ohio’s defunct amusement parks, please consider sharing them in my Shared Memories Archive! Stories about other memorable places from our region’s past such as fondly remembered shopping malls are also welcome!
I ask that you keep the following in mind when submitting your memories:
All submissions will be accepted for review, but please make your best effort to share things that have some clear connection to the topic. If you’re not sure whether your contribution is appropriate, please ask using option 1 on my contact form (link below).
Media items (photos, videos, audio recording, etc.) are NOT required as part of your submission, but I would love to include them wherever possible! Please upload your files directly through the contact form if possible, or describe the files you wish to share and I’ll reach out to you shortly.Please be sure to only send media for which you legally possess the rights, or have written permission, to share.)
All submissions will be reviewed for fact-checking. If any content is found to be historically inaccurate, I will make my best effort to work with you on the clarification and revision of your submission. Any submission still found to contain inaccurate information after reasonable effort has been made to address the situation is subject to partial or complete removal at my discretion. This policy applies from the time of submission and for as long as the submission remains on the website or under consideration by me.