Julie Smith’s Euclid Beach Park Memories

Even though I was only 14 years old when Euclid Beach Park closed, I still have wonderful memories of that special place. It had its own unique sounds, smells, and “feel.” When I told my brother of my involvement as a board member of Euclid Beach Park Now (EBPN), even he said, “That was your favorite place in the whole world!”

In conjunction with my position as an EBPN board member, I am also a volunteer at the beautifully restored Euclid Beach Park Grand Carousel, which has been operating at the Cleveland History Center since 2014. It is truly a joy to share the memories of Euclid Beach with visitors who remember the park, and to see the smiles on the faces of those who are riding the carousel and learning about the park for the first time.

As past EBPN President John Frato has said, Euclid Beach memories are family memories. I remember the Rocket Ship ride as one that our whole family enjoyed together. The Carousel was another family ride. I would race with my brother on the Great American Racing Derby and the Racing Coasters. (I remember being so excited when I was finally tall enough for the Great American Racing Derby!) We also rode together on the Thriller, Laff-In-The-Dark, the Bug, and the Turnpike cars, and the Surprise House was a “must,” (although I wouldn’t get too close to Laughing Sal!). I would always ride the Whip and the Antique Cars with my mom. When I was younger, my parents would always watch me on the Kiddie Rides in the Colonnade.

I rode Over The Falls only once. I didn’t like its steep angle, but my mom and brother loved it, so I always associate that ride with them. The Dodgem and the Rotor were also not my favorites, but my brother loved them.

I had never ridden on the Flying Turns until the very last time I was at the park. I had always heard stories and rumors about accidents that had occurred on it. However, that day, I said to myself, “I will never be here again. I have to try that ride!” I rode the Flying Turns, and I am so glad I did! I loved it so much that I kept getting right back in line to ride again!

Euclid Beach Park is such a treasured memory to so many Clevelanders. I am so grateful that I got to experience that wonderful park firsthand, and proud to be part of the present-day efforts to help preserve those memories!

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